Principal's Message

An educational institution
aims at teaching students not just to live but to reason and analyze Life. Aristotle___
We are nurturing the children such way that they can live in the society, where there is love, peace, joy, harmony, development, freedom from violence and corruption. The dream of good society should have a foundation. One of such foundations is “Education”.
As an educators, wethe KPLS family believe that purpose of education is to prepare young mind to become outstanding individuals through a strong sense of basic language and mathematics education, a sense purpose and skills in communicating with the peers, and sense of preparation for becoming an upstanding citizen in an ever changing society.
Our students and we must work to build a strong bond. They must sense that we care about them as an individual, and they must feel free to communicate openly.
Kalika Podar Learn Schoolis associated with Podar group and Podar knows the need of all the learners well therefore it has the exposure of all the age-appropriate curricular and co-curricular practices. We are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulations, and addressing the future needs of our students. We offered many opportunities to explore their interests and investigate new ideas. Many of our students are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities that allow them to grow at their own pace in a safe nurturing environment.
“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet”
Mr.Prashant Joshi
Podar Education Network Timeline
First Punjab school opened in Patiala
Mr. Pradeep Dhuri General Manager - Accounts (Trust) podaraccounts@podar.orgBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
Mr. Sameer Upadhyay Sr. Manager sameer@podar.orgCAREER & HR DEVELOPMENT
Mrs. Medha Paranjpe Chief Human Resources Officer medha.paranjpe@podar.orgPODAR INNOVATION CENTER
Mrs. Renee Bijlani Chief Academics Officer (PIS) pic.reneebijlani@podar.orgINFO & COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY
Mr. Anand Chawla Chief Information Officer anand@podar.orgPODAR PREP
Mrs Swati Popat Vats Chief Academics Officer (Prep) swatipopat@podar.orgPURCHASE DEPARTMENT
Mr. P. D. Patil Chief Procurement Officer p.patil@podar.orgSALES AND MARKETING
Mr. Vishal Shah Sr. General Manager – Marketing
Transport department
Mr C.S. Mani
General Manager – Transport
Mr. Deepak R. Singh General Manager - Business Development